“More People,
More Like Christ.”

We are not trying to create more Democrats or Republicans, more conservatives, liberals, or moderates, nor are we trying to help people become more like Billy Graham, Mother Theresa, or Martin Luther King Jr.

Our focus is solely upon becoming more like Christ ourselves–we are still working at it–and helping more people become more like Him as well. The more we become like Christ, the more we reflect the glory of the Lord and bring glory to His Name. (II Corinthians 3:18)

Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study

a.k.a. Saturday Morning Saints
Men’s Bible Study
Saturdays 8:00 am – 9:15 am
In the main building conference room
Everyone is welcome!

Jewish and Christian History – Videos and Articles
provided by the Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study

Please contact us directly with questions.

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To become more like Christ is to:
  • Open one’s life fully to the work of the Holy Spirit
  • Resist evil in all its forms
  • Be faithful and true in all of one’s relationships
  • Participate in God’s ongoing ministry in the world
  • Support our brothers and sisters in the faith.

All of this is accomplished solely through the strength and grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, as He abides in us and we abide in Him. (John 15:4)

We grow as His disciples knowing that when we are fully trained, we will be like Him. (Luke 6:40) And like Him, we are sent out into the world as ambassadors – the Spirit of God making His appeal through us, “Be reconciled to God.” (John 20:21, II Corinthians 5:20)

We invite you to join with us in bringing glory to the Lord as we become more like Him, and help others to do so as well. Let us together celebrate and tell of the great works of the Lord among all people groups. And at all times demonstrate that imitation is the highest form of worship.