Any great journey begins with the first step.

Wherever you find yourself today in your life journey, we wish to walk with you.
Below, you will find ways you can take your next step with us to become more like Jesus and to find meaningful connections in the Desert Hills family.


The most important decision you will ever make is your decision to respond to God’s call upon your life and to enter a personal relationship with Jesus. Yet, it is perfectly natural to have questions about what this means, who God is, why we need Jesus, or why we need to follow him. It is also ok to have doubts or questions about your faith or things like God’s love, forgiveness, grace, or heaven. Wherever this day finds you, we want to come alongside and encourage you as you take your next faith step toward Jesus.

If you have questions or doubts about your faith or wish to learn more about a relationship with Jesus, please contact our Pastoral Staff.

get to know jesus


Whether you are a first-time guest or have been a part of the Desert Hills family for a while, we would love to tell you more about our story and what we are all about. One of our pastors would love to meet with you to answer your questions and to share more about our history, mission, vision, and how you can connect with us as we strive to see “more people, more like Christ.” The coffee is always on us! 

To schedule a time to meet with one of our pastors, please contact our Associate Pastor Brett Everett.


We are committed to partnering with you as you take important steps forward in your faith journey. One of those exciting steps is your baptism. At Desert Hills, we believe that baptism, whether administered to those who profess their faith in Jesus or to those presented for baptism as infants and children, are one and the same responsibility that Jesus assigned to his church. The baptism of infants and young children attests to God love for us even before we can respond in faith. The baptism of older children, youth, and adults attests that God’s grace can make us new creations at any age and stage of our lives.

For more information on baptism or to schedule a meeting with one of our pastors, please contact our Church Office.



Are you interested in learning more about us or considering membership and making Desert Hills your church family? You are invited to join our pastoral staff for one of our New Member class offerings. New Member classes are typically offered three 2-hour sessions and are offered three times per year. Come and learn more about our history, mission, vision, and more. Grow deeper in your faith and discover the ways you can connect as part of the family. Participation never requires a commitment to join, but all who wish to become members must attend these classes.

For more information or to register for the next New Member Class, please contact Associate Pastor Brett Everett.

discussing god


At Desert Hills, we believe every follower of Jesus is called and equipped by God to make a lasting difference by serving others with willing hearts and hands. We would be honored to have you come and serve with us as we use our time, talents, gifts, and treasure to impact our church, community, and world. Are you ready to join our team? We would love to help you discover and connect with a service opportunity that best compliments your skills, abilities, and passions.

Please reach out to Associate Pastor Brett Everett to take that first step toward being a part of something totally amazing as you become a blessing to others.



Giving from the heart is a core part of our DNA at Desert Hills. This is because God has been so generous to us. We view giving as an act of worship, and more specifically, an appropriate and grateful response to God for all that He has done in our lives. God is good and it is through the faithful generosity of our members and regular attenders that Desert Hills is able to share God’s blessings and to fulfill its mission to see “more people, more like Christ” in our church, community, and beyond.
