Celebrate Recovery happens every Thursday at 6:30 pm in the Desert Hills Fellowship Center!

What is Celebrate Recovery?

 Celebrate Recovery is a 12 Step, Bible based recovery program for anyone struggling with a hurt, habit or hang-up of any kind. We are a safe space where we encounter the power of Jesus Christ within an encouraging community. Together we find freedom from any and all issues that are taking  control of our life!

Celebrate Recovery Logo

Childcare Every Thursday!

Free Childcare for Ages 3 – 12 !

Childcare typically starts at 6:45 and ends at 8:45.  Our meetings are completed by 8:30.  Children are also welcome to enjoy dinner with everyone at 6:30.

We look forward to seeing you and your children!

Carefree Celebrate Recovery

Visit us ANY Thursday!

What is a HURT?

“Hurt” is an emotional reaction to another person’s behavour or to a disturbing situation. (abuse, abandonment, co-dependency, divorce, relationship issues, grief etc)

operation christmas child
Celebrate Recovery Carefree

What is a HABIT?

“Habit” is an addiction or dependence on someone or something. (alcohol, drugs, pornography, hurtful people, food, gambling, smoking, shopping etc)

What is a HANG-UP?

“Hang-Ups” are negative mental attitudes that are used to cope with people or adversity. (anger, depression, fear, unforgiveness, control etc)

operation christmas child

You can be a part of this amazing journey!

Every Thursday at Desert Hills Presbyterian Church
6:30- PM Dinner
7:00- “Everyone” Group Meeting
7:45- Small Groups
8:30- Exit

Contact Carefree CR

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